Religious Education at Saint Rose

PSR Program at Saint Rose (PSR - Parish School of Religion)

  • Catechetical Coordinator: Patty Russo
  • Contact Information:
  • Religious Education Office Phone Number: 419-874-9474

Welcome!  Thank you for your desire and interest in religious education for your child(ren)! The information below answers some common questions parents may have, and we are excited to be of assistance to you.

Saint Rose offers religious education to public school students in Grades 1 through 8.
     *Registered members of another parish MAY enroll a child in the Saint Rose Religious Education program. 
Please Note: Children who plan to receive sacraments in grades 2 & 8 (First Reconciliation, First Holy Communion and/or Confirmation) will need to do so at their registered parish, even if PSR enrollment is through Saint Rose.

The goal of religious education at Saint Rose is to assist parents to embrace their role as the primary educators in forming their children’s Catholic faith.  Faith formation does not just happen in the classroom, it also takes place at home, and through participation in the life of the parish.  Families support and enhance their child(rens) classroom instruction and faith formation through their weekly attendance at Sunday Mass, by reception of the sacraments of Confession and Communion, and through prayer at home.

Classes will have one class per grade level, with the exception of Grade 2.  Class sizes will be capped in the following way:

  • Students entering grades 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 will have a class size of 20 students.
  • Students entering grades 2 and 8 only will have a class size of 25 students.

There will be a firm registration deadline for the 2024-2025 year. Registration will close August 9, 2024 at 5:00pm.  Families are strongly urged not to delay their child’s registration. Families with children entering 1st Grade should register child and rather than waiting until 2nd Grade.


Families will receive a calendar for the year by email.


Textbooks will be ordered for students. Students will receive textbooks on the first day of class.

Religious Education Fees - $100 per child

We do not want religious education fees to prevent your child from attending religious education.  If you are in need of financial assistance regarding the religious education fees, please contact our office via email to discuss. 

In-Class Instruction

Families should plan to make a commitment that their child(ren) will attend classes consistently with minimal absence (except for sickness and family emergency).  Classes will be scheduled two to three times a month from September through early May.  Class time is 11:45a.m. - 1:00p.m. and classes take place at Saint Rose School. Classes are taught by volunteer catechists (teachers), and catechists may occasionally ask students to do work at home to reinforce what was taught in the classroom.


Children entering Grade 2 are prepared to receive the sacraments of First Reconciliation (also called Confession), and First Eucharist (First Communion). The dates for reception of these sacraments will be provided to parents.  Generally, First Reconciliation takes place in late Fall and First Communion takes place in early to mid-May.  Before a 2nd grader can receive these sacraments, they must have received the sacrament of Baptism.  Parents will need to provide a copy of their child’s Baptism certificate via the registration form when enrolling their child(ren) for the year.

If your child is older than Grade 2 and has not received the sacraments of First Reconciliation (Confession) and First Communion, or has not received Confirmation at Grade 8, parents should contact the religious education office to inquire about instruction.

Parent Sacramental Meetings

Parents of students entering Grades 2 and 8 are asked to attend parent meetings which will provide them with the necessary information concerning the sacraments of First Reconciliation (Confession) and First Eucharist (Communion), and Confirmation.


Children entering Grade 2 participate with their parent(s) in a First Communion retreat.

Students entering Grade 8 are expected to attend a Confirmation retreat with their parent(s) as a part of Confirmation preparation. 

Information will be sent by email to families.

Other information

Saint Rose offers opportunities for religious education students to go to Confession during Advent and Lent, and prior to the sacraments of First Communion and Confirmation.

We conclude our year by having our students attend May Crowning which provides students with the opportunity to learn about our Blessed Mother and to honor her through this Catholic devotion.  Parents are strongly encouraged to attend with their children.

Registration - Opens Monday, June 10