Support Saint Rose School

Scholarship Granting Organization

Donate to the SGO and Saint Rose will receive those funds to be applied toward Tuition Assistance. Receive a 100% tax credit (dollar for dollar) for your donation to Saint Rose School - up to $750 for single filers, $1,500 if married and filing jointly.
Learn More HERE

Sponsor a Student

The Saint Rose School Sponsor a Student kicks off at the start of the school year. This collection is dedicated to the parish’s support of student scholarships. We annually average 40 families that receive financial assistance in some form.   
Donate HERE

Saint Rose School Endowment

The Saint Rose School Endowment was established to support the annual operations of the school. It supports teacher salaries, classroom supplies, and much more. It is important that the endowment receive annual investments from our donors to provide support to the school in perpetuity. The endowment is managed by the endowment committee and an external fund manager. 
Donate HERE

Saint Rose Legacy Society

The Saint Rose Legacy Society is a society of people who have committed to support Saint Rose with a Legacy Gift. Whether you have named Saint Rose Parish or School as a beneficiary in your will, a life insurance policy, a retirement plan or you have set up a charitable gift annuity, your future gift furthers Saint Rose's mission of the Gospel in our community. Legacy Society members are recognized, remembered each month with a special Mass intention, and are invited to a private annual event with our clergy. If you have listed Saint Rose in your estate plan or intend to, please let us know. We would like to thank you and welcome you into the Saint Rose Legacy Society.  For additional information contact Kelly Clark at

Kroger Community Rewards

Saint Rose School Families can earn money for Saint Rose and credit toward tuition by indicating Saint Rose as their chosen organization. 
Click here to enroll

Box Tops 4 Education

Designate Saint Rose and scan your receipts to earn money for our school.
Learn More HERE