Becoming Catholic (RCIA)

Is God calling you to become a member of the Catholic Church?  Are you a non-Catholic who is interested in learning more about the Catholic faith?  We invite you to journey with us in a program of adult faith formation called the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA).

Testamonial from Nic Schwind, one of our newest initiated parishioners on his Faith Journey:

The start of my Faith Journey,
Because of motivation from some co-workers, I visited a non-denominational church, during the summer of 2023, but something just didn't feel right. I thought it would be good to attend Mass with my grandpa, Aunt Joyce and Uncle Dave, though I knew very little about the details concerning my faith in August of 2023. I just wanted to grow my relationship with God and give thanks to him for all the blessings and miracles I've experienced and witnessed along with the beauty of the world we live in.   Read More HERE

Every year at the Easter Vigil, thousands of adults all over the world answer God’s call and are brought home to the Catholic Church through the Sacraments of Initiation.  If you, or someone you know, is interested in exploring the possibility of becoming Catholic, the RCIA is the place for you!

For more information, or to sign up for class, please contact Saint Rose at or by calling the parish office (419-874-4559).

If you would like to share your faith with another and renew your own as a Sponsor for RCIA, please contact the parish office as well.

For answers to commonly asked questions about the Catholic Faith, visit Catholic Answers at

Please join us on the Saint Rose Parish campus for any or all sessions listed on the calendar link to learn more about becoming Catholic, to explore the Catholic faith, and/or to deepen your knowledge of the Catholic faith.

RCIA is Open to...

• Persons not baptized
• Persons baptized in another Christian denomination but interested in the Catholic faith
• Persons baptized Catholic but have not received the Sacrament of Confirmation
• Persons raised Catholic who seek to learn more about the faith
• Persons who are interested in learning about the Catholic faith and The Catholic Church
• Catholics who wish to serve on the team and/or sponsor a candidate

Complete the form below to receive more information and sign up for our upcoming RCIA Program