Box Tops For Education
Wondering how you can support our Technology Department? Collect Box Tops!
Here's how you can help:
- Purchase products with the Box Top logo
- Attach the Box Tops to the template provided
- Hand in your completed Box Top sheet (25 Box Tops) to your teacher.
It's that simple! So, enlist your family, friends, and neighbors to help you collect!
**Please consider the following**
- Prior to attaching boxtops to sheet, please cut boxtops around dotted lines. This makes it much easier for counting and attaching.
- CHECK EXPIRATION DATES! We cannot accept any expired boxtops. We do not earn funds for expired boxtops, and it's possible our entire submission could be excluded.
CLICK HERE for more information about BoxTops for Education and follow Saint Rose's Progress!
Please direct questions to:
Natasha Lydey: