CYO Registration

CYO sports at Saint Rose are offered to all Saint Rose parishioners and Saint Rose School students.

Along with your CYO sports registration, please review the required CYO Athletic Contract, Concussion Information Sheet, and the Sudden Cardiac Arrest & Lindsay's Law Information Sheet included on this page.

REFUND POLICY: Please note, there will be a $25 fee for refund requests after the close of registration due to ordering of uniforms and credit card fees.  If there are not enough athletes to have a team, refunds will be made at no cost to families. Thank you for your understanding.

Spring Soccer, Track & Field Registration NOW OPEN

Saint Rose CYO Basketball

Grades 3 - 12


Saint Rose CYO Cross Country

Grades K - 8

All practice dates and times are listed on the TeamApp. Runners must attend at least one practice weekly, but we encourage full participation in practices to best condition all runners. All communication will be app based through TeamApp.

Distance & Divisions

Two races in each division at each meet
(boys & girls)
PeeWee Division:  K - 1st grades = 1/2 mile
Minor Division:  2nd - 3rd grades = 3/4 mile
Cadet Division:  4th - 6th grades = 1 mile
Junior Division:  7th - 8th grades = 2 miles


Saint Rose CYO Flag Football

Grades 1 - 4

Practices are held twice per week at the field on Elm Street next to the Perrysburg Municipal Pool.

All league games will be played at the Monsignor Schmidt CYO Athletic Complex located at 555 S. Holland-Sylvania Road (between Hill Avenue and Angola Road)


Saint Rose CYO Soccer

Grade 1 - 8

The CYO soccer program is a co-ed program.

All league and tournament games will be played at the Monsignor Schmit CYO Athletic Complex located at 555 S. Holland-Sylvania Road (between Hill Avenue and Angola Road)

The ball for minor and cadet divisions is a size four (4) ball, a size five (5) ball is used for juniors. The size three (3) ball will be used for the pee wee division
Tennis shoes/shoes with molded cleats and soft toe are the only shoes permitted
Shinguards that fit properly are mandatory and must be entirely covered by the player's socks


Saint Rose CYO Track & Field

Grades 4 - 8

One person constitutes a track team
Individuals may train with a neighboring parish if their parish does not sponsor a CYO track program, but when it comes to the Diocesan Meet competition, each participant must enter under their parish name

The CYO program will allow spikes to be worn for the junior division only.  These spikes may not exceed 1/4" (per National Federation rules)
Waffled shoes are permitted for both cadet & junior divisions
NO bare feet are allowed


Saint Rose CYO Volleyball

 Girls, Grades 3 - 12

Practices are twice a week and are held in the Saint Rose School gym

Athletic shoes with non-marking soles, knee pads and a water bottle will be needed for all practices and matches 
For matches, the team uniform is a jersey, black shorts (typically volleyball shorts or something similar), and white, black or matching socks that the team agrees upon

The regular season matches will start the weekend after Labor Day and continue through October
Matches can be on Saturday or Sunday at various schools throughout the Diocese 
There are typically two matches on each playing date.  These matches may or may not be played consecutively.

Questions? Interested in coaching?

Contact Sarah Anderson,
Saint Rose CYO Athletic Director:

*Mandatory coach's training certification
provided by CYO